Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Whew. I'm feeling a lot better now, and I can finally bury yesterday's issue, since it had little to do with me...

I've not much to say today, because I don't feel like making my movie reviews yet. I just realized that I'm still glad, despite everything, and I know I can still be a friend even to those whom I've wronged. I hope she reads this, and I know she knows who she is.

I've kept my silence and stayed away from her for a week or so. Still, what can I do? Whether you call it my Atlas Syndrome, or the fact that I'm plain masochistic, I still can't stand to see a friend (Or at least, a friend in my eyes.) getting hurt, or being sad.

Yes, I know I'm STILL persona non grata. Yes, I know I'm STILL meant to keep my silence. I only had to remind her for even just a pair of times that I'm STILL around despite everything, and if there's a last resort (Before selling her soul to Hades.) she can actually count on, then there's absobloodylutely no doubt that'd be me. I've apologized to her already (With all sincerity, as far as I'm concerned.), and if that is not enough for her, if she STILL needs time, I'd gladly give that to her. I just pray I won't fade away in the recesses of friendships failed and memories better left forgotten.

That's because I care, dammit! I went about doing it the wrong way in the past, and even if I'm watching my words and deeds now, I still can't help but feel compelled to be there. But I respect the distance, and I'm backing off again. Only time can tell if the friendship can ever be restored.

Jabroni, the ball's in your court now. I still see you as my friend, but if you don't reciprocate, I respect that.

In other news...

My thanks to a friend who gave me her blog's address. Much as I'd want to link to it from here, she specifically requested me not to do so... ah, well.

Tactics Ogre rules, bah Gawd!

Yeah, yeah, yeah... that, my friends, is true! :cheesy:

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