Friday, January 17, 2003

Everyone seems to be a writer.

I just found it to be an intriguing fact that just about every other blog I look at simply blows my writing away by leaps and bounds, and they don't even have to try!

Yeah, it should be making me sad, but I'm in first-person today, aren't I? So I actually find it to be a bit of a funny thing, to say the least... I mean come on! What course is Maia taking again? Oh, that's right: Anglo-Saxon Literature. What course is Charles "Stalker" Tan taking (Oh. I owe him an apology from September. I owe you lunch at Pancake House, jabroni.)? Yep. Creative Writing. I click on just about any link on their blogs, and I see masterpieces of writing, all the same.

Then I look at my work.

What a rut I'm in lately... but hey, I'm still smiling. I mean, it's not everyday when I get the chance to post on OB, and there are ample people online at the same time. Also, while I obviously pale in comparison to their writing skills, I don't have much of an audience to cater to with this blog anyway, so I don't really need to write too well... but I sure hope it wouldn't hurt them to link me to their blogs if they see it fit... it's like texting a "friend", and then being asked "Who u?", which is another way of telling you that "I don't care enough to include your number in my address book."

On the schoolwork front, I have a makeup class tomorrow for History, and while Mr. Lozada is a great teacher, I think he's quite a ham when he tries to get his point across. He expects us to laugh at his jokes all the time, and yet he hardly comes up with any new material to begin with. Well, I'd still rather have him joking about history than having him make a joke out of our grades. This is the closest I've ever gotten to having an all-A semester, and I don't intend to give up at it.

As for Otaku Boards, given that I'm attending the makeup class, I won't be at our "manly" mini-EB tomorrow, which, male creatures that we OBers are, haven't even planned for yet. It'd be a small miracle of sorts for me to log in early tomorrow and see where they intend to go. I'm sure text messages will be flying there...

I met up with Grace last night. As usual, Aling Banang's was our place to eat, but prior to that, we came from Centerpoint. Centerpoint finally has KOF 2002!!! Yeah, and I racked up a 4-win streak before losing to a boxing Clark player... at least, I put that faggot who decked me last year to shame. He didn't stand a chance against my rediscovered Orochi Yashiro Nanakase...

Onto my practicum this summer... (Damn, I'm talking about a lot of stuff today, aren't I?) I think it'll be at RX 93.1 again this year. I'd relish that. It'll be great for me to be seeing my favorite DJ friends, Chico and Delamar, all the time there... I hope I'd get pay again this summer, but I wouldn't mind if not, so long as the practicum's a sure thing. I haven't been in touch with a lot of Rushers as of late, as OB seems to have been my group of choice.

I guess I can fix myself up a nice, tall glass of shut-up juice for now, and just keep on lurking at OB... it's been a pretty fine day, to say the least.

EDIT: I'm guessing the shout-out came from Charliedoggie... I noticed only now that I know two people named Charles... and if in case you didn't notice, I DID use the word jabroni... nonetheless, thanx for the kind thoughts. It's not like I'm trying to come up with anything groundbreaking... yet. :hint, hint:

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