Thursday, January 09, 2003

As Marcelle was walking to the library to update his blog, guess who he ran into? Yep, he ran into her. Yep, the very same person who used to be one of his closest friends now 180 degrees away from that state. Yep, the very same person who gave Marcelle's kind gestures more color than a box of seventy-two ruddy crayons.

Dammit. Marcelle absobloodylutely hates this codswallop.

Wait, wait, wait... maybe, just maybe, Marcelle's been a really bad friend after all? It seems that this hasn't been the first time something like this has happened. In fact, Marcelle has had more than his fair share of friends who end up turning their backs on him for one reason or another, or none at all (Such as the case of, say, hmm... never mind. Their names aren't even worth mentioning or linking to...). This has been a fairly miserable day that got Marcelle to reflecting about how things have been going for him. It seems that he's been such a lousy friend, after all.

Left and right, he's lost friends. Significant friends. You talk about people like Abby, you talk about people Marcelle fell in love with and had to go through hell and back just to normalize again. You talk about people like Grace, and you talk about people who feel Marcelle's been trying way too hard to be a good friend and all. You talk about people like Marcelle's blockmates, and you talk about people who just drifted away from Marcelle. It can be quite daunting and depressing, especially when you're a person like Marcelle, who's the type who'd be willing to lay down his life for a true friend. Yes, he can get a bit too enthusiastic at times, but the fact remains that his heart is really in the right place, despite that.

Even at this very moment, even with all the intent, and all the desire to be a good friend, Marcelle fails. Miserably. Twice, Mich had a family tragedy near Marcelle's birthday. Apparently, there was nothing he could do to help Mich the way he would have wanted to. And just the past few weeks, Maia's been down in the dumps, and yet no amount of words from Marcelle could change that. In fact, despite wanting to meet her and just help her out, or call her, so many circumstances keep him from doing so... e.g. a loaded cellphone bill, a dorm, a clashing schedule, etc... it's depressing. Really depressing. Marcelle just prays that Maia can forgive him for coming short as a friend. Yes, she's strong. Yes, she can fight her battles. But it's always a good thing to know that when push comes to shove, there're people willing to stand by you. Apparently, Marcelle just can't get that across, because he's been such a lousy friend to a lot of people. Maybe he owes them all an apology. Maybe they only keep him for novelty or altruism. Marcelle wouldn't know. It's just sad that he'd have to be the one asking for help from them more than they would from him, because that tells him he's pretty much unreliable.

Yep. This is Marcelle's story. No wonder he's such a bloody loner. He's no good as a friend, so it seems. It's not like he's heard people calling him otherwise that much, anyway. His blockmates, his High School classmates, and a lot of other people have seen to that.


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